A French Oasis - Ligny le Chatel
We left Champagne with a few bottles for celebrating upon our first poffertjes & general store gig. We were ready to share our yummy treats and spread the hygge vibe!

In the Chablis region, in the town of Ligny le Chatel, we found a perfect small campsite to relax and prepare for our first event on foreign land. We found our French oasis… warm, sunny weather, an energetic & friendly campsite owner, a quiet river close-by for fishing & swimming, sightseeing within a quick bike ride, and a brocante market (thrift store heaven).
The campsite owner created a peaceful terrace with the perfect mixture of French antique furniture, draping island hammocks, Japanese garden accents, and pots of tropical flowers, which all rolled into one beautiful ambiance radiating hygge.

We put the 'Gone Fishing' sign on the bus and went exploring, with my beach towel in hand and Koen with his fishing rods. We found a hidden entrance to the river which opened up to a beautifully clear swimming hole with plenty of little fishes for catching.

The sights were stunning along our private bike ride to the nearby city of Pontigny where we toured the 12th century Pontigny Abbey Church and later did some shopping at the local brocantewarehouse.
French 'thrift' shopping is one of my favorite hobbies… I hope to bring back some of my treasures for the hygge life vintage shop!

Back at camp, we did a mock set-up of the poffertjes stand and general store. Great practice before the real deal and a fun sunny photo-shoot.

We stayed in Ligny le Chatel a bit longer than expected but the hygge life can't be rushed. ;) After a few days in this oasis, it was Poffertjes time!